Sikhism And Major World Religions
Product Code: SB193
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No of Pages 144. Writen By: Surindar Singh Kohli It is an intensive study of the gospel of the Sikh Gurus and also compares and contrasts the doctrines and principles of Sikhism with those of the other higher religions of the world. The fundamentals and the doctrines of the Sikh religion and its world-view have clearly and completely been embodied in Guru Granth Sahib. Further, the Ten Masters (the Sikh Gurus) have in their lives, apart from demonstrating the principles of their religion, shown and led the path of the ideal life. Among the scriptures of the world, the Guru Granth Sahib has two singular distinctions. It is only scripture that has the words of the Gurus compiled and authenticated by the Prophet himself. Again, it is the only scripture that has been sanctioned by the prophet (Tenth Nanak) as the sole Guru or guide of his followers as to their religion. And, yet, there are many misconceptions about Sikhism and its institutions. The objet of the book is two fold : first, to explain the identity, unity and integrity of the Sikh gospel, and, secondly, to undertake on the basis of essentials of each system, a classification of the principal religions of the world and in that context, to bring out the place of Sikhism among them.