Kolu Oils / Cold Pressed Oils

Cold Pressed oils are
obtained by pressing oil seeds at room temperature and no extra heat or
chemicals are used, which make it healthiest. There are lots of Benefits of
Cold Pressed oils also known as Kolhu / Kolu oils or Khachi Ghani or Chekku
oils. Now a days cold pressed oil are used around the globe. People have been
using Kolhu oils since last 5000 years.
Oil seeds are crushed
slowly on long cylindrical equipment which is used either of stone or wood.
Seeds are crushed very slowly to extract oila dn retain flavor. On other side hot pressed oils are extracted at heat of 200°C
and chemicals are used.
Following seeds are cold pressed sesame seed, canola, coconut, peanut, sunflower seeds and olive. You can use these oils in your cooking. Following seeds can’t be oil pressed soybean, corn, sunflower and safflower.
Khalsastore.com provides cold pressed oils online.
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